Classroom Variables and Academic Performance of Students in Economics in Secondary Schools

Classroom Variables and Academic Performance of Students in Economics in Secondary Schools
Classroom Variables and Academic Performance of Students in Economics in Secondary Schools

Classroom Variables and Academic Performance of Students in Economics in Secondary Schools


The study was carried out to investigate classroom variables and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area. To realize the objectives of the study, three research questions were stated and three null hypotheses were formulated in line with the research questions. Review of literature was done according to the previous study by researchers in related topics.

A survey design was adopted for the study, while target population for the study comprises of all the students offering Economics in all the six public secondary schools in the study are with a total of two thousand, one hundred and seventy (2,170). A simple random sampling technique was used to select five out of the six public secondary schools in the study area. Also, simple random sampling method was used to select forty (40) Economics students from each of the five selected secondary schools, making up a total of two hundred (200) students as sample size for the study.

Economics Achievement Test (EAT) was the instrument for data collection in the study. The instrument was validated by the supervisor. Data collected for the study was analyzed using the independent t-test statistical method at 0.05 level of significance, under 198 degree of freedom. All the three research null hypotheses formulated for the study were rejected, hence findings revealed that;

  1. There is significant relationship between small class size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.
  2. There is significant relationship between large class size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.
  3. There is significant relationship between student’s gender and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.

Classroom Variables and Academic Performance of Students in Economics in Secondary Schools



1.1   Background to the Study

Academic performance of students especially at the secondary school level is not only a pointer to the effectiveness or otherwise of schools but a major determinant of the future of youths in particular and the nation in general (Pitten Cate, etal, 2018). The medium through which the attainment of individuals and the nation’s educational goals can be achieved is learning.

Learning outcomes have become a phenomenon of interest to all and this account for the reason why scholars have been working hard to unravel factors that militate against good academic performance of students (Aremu and Sokan, 2002) this phenomenon has been variedly referred to in literature as academic achievement, or scholastic functioning of students. Academic performance of students have attracted attention of scholars, parents, policy-makers and planners.

 In an attempt to put sound education on ground worldwide, many factors have been incriminated as being responsible for the falling standard of education where it is perceived and established. Among such factors is the issue of “Classroom Variable”. Adeyemi (2008) defined classroom variables as those environmental, social and psychological make-up that defines the classroom atmosphere and to a large extent determine learners assimilation of lessons in the classroom. However, numerous factors have been identified that affect academic performance under the confine of the classroom (Phillipson and Phillipson 2012).

Park (2005) maintains that such factors in the classroom can only be noticed by an adult teacher or a matured learner, and they include gender, instructional technique employed by the teacher, student engagements in classroom activities, etc.

Classroom variables are a major indicators to why students perform the way they do, especially in their academics. The need to investigate further into the academic welfare of students and indeed improve the nations manpower well-being and competence instigated the need to carry out this study.

Classroom Variables and Academic Performance of Students in Economics in Secondary Schools

1.2   Statement of the Problem

Over the years, the education sector has been experiencing and abysmal performance of students in both internal and external examinations, most particularly is the May/June West African Examination Council results which was released recently which statistics show that only 25% of the total candidates who sat for the examinations recorded five credit and above including English Language, Mathematics and Economics (NBS, Education Division, 2019).

The situation is worried some especially as it apparently seems like there is no remedy directly or indirectly provided by the education stake-holders, instead there seem to be division among stake-holders in their opinion of accusation and counter accusation of the possible cause of the student’s failure problems.

Researchers have been carried out in related topics in other to stem down the problem, but all to no avail, hence the researcher thought it necessary to conduct this research study which is aimed at investigating relationship between classroom variables and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools.

1.3   Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study was to investigated classroom variables and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.

Specifically, the study sought to;

  1. Examine the relationship between small class-size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.
  2. Examine the relationship between large class-size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.
  3. Examine the relationship between student’s gender and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.

1.4   Research Questions

The study sought to provide answers to the following questions;

  1. What is the relationship between small class-size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area?
  2. What is the relationship between large class size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area?
  3. What is the relationship between student’s gender and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area?

Classroom Variables and Academic Performance of Students in Economics in Secondary Schools

1.5   Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study;

  1. There is no significant relationship between class size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.
  2. There is no significant relationship between large class size and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.
  3. There is no significant relationship between students gender and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.

1.6   Significance of the Study

The study was beneficial to the following group of people in the following ways;

  1. Teachers: The findings of the study helped teachers appraise their classroom make-up, and discover those salient issues that are capable of affecting student’s good performance.
  2. School Administrators: Through the findings of the study, school administrators would discover the weakness in classroom management, setting and environment of their schools and work towards closing the wide gap between the various classroom variable and academic performance of students for a better performance of students.
  3. Students: The findings of the study exposed students to the reasons behind their school performance, and improve upon attitudes toward learning.
  4. The study also provide literature for review in further studies in related topics.

1.7   Limitation of the Study

In the course of carrying out the research, the researcher encountered the following problems which posed much threats to the success of the study;

  1. Scarcity of Materials: The researcher encountered problem of lack and scarcity of data and information in related topics.
  2. Time: The period given for the completion of this study was very limited, hence time was also a major problem of the researcher during the study.
  3. Funds: Since money that was used for the study was from the researcher’s purse, it was not enough to cover all secondary schools in the study area, hence the selection of a few sample to represent the whole population through random sampling technique.

1.8   Delimitation of the Study

The study investigated classroom variables and academic performance of students in Economics in Secondary Schools in Ini Local Government Area.

1.9   Definition of Terms

Classroom: This is a wide room in a school where students stay to receive lessons.

Variables: These are construct representing an idea or a group of idea in a research study.

Classroom Variables: These are constructions from the classroom situations representing attitudes, feelings and physical personality of the students and teachers.

Academic Performance: This is the level of the student’s academic outcome measurable through test, assignment and examination.

Economics: This is a subject of study in the secondary school level of education.

Student: A person who undertakes the learning of Economics in Secondary School.

Secondary School: This is the middle level of education between primary and tertiary level of education.




5.1 Summary

The study examined the influence of Class variables and academic performance in Government among senior secondary students in Ika Local Government Area. The study was conducted in five selected secondary schools in Ika Local Government Area with the population of six hundred and seventy (670) students (Local Education Committee) of Ika. Simple random sampling technique was used to select two hundred students (200) in SSII. Government Performance Test (GPT) was used as a major instrument for data collection. The data was analyzed using independent t-test. at 0.05 level of significant. Findings revealed that classroom variables such as class size, instructional materials and classroom structure has great significant on academic performance of students in Government.

5.2 Recommendations

The following recommendations were made based on the findings in this study:

  1. Government should employ more qualify teachers to teach Government in secondary schools.
  2. Students’ enrollment into secondary schools should henceforth be based on the principle of small class size.
  3. Government should supply schools with instructional materials to facilitate effective teaching and learning of Government at secondary level.
  4. Teachers should use varieties of instructional materials in teaching and learning of secondary Government.
  5. Government should build infrastructures to schools in facilitate on effective learning

5.3 Conclusion

The study was conducted in selected Secondary Schools in Ika Local Government Area. To achieve this, two purposes, research questions, hypotheses were established to guide the study. A detail literature review was obtained from published and unpublished books, journals, newspapers and articles. It review was aimed at developing appreciation on previous study done in the area.

The population of the study comprises of six and seventy (670) students with sample size of two hundred (200) students was selected for the study. Questionnaire was used as a major instrument to generated data. Data generated was analyzed using independent t-test statistical tools under 0.05 level of significant. Based on the findings, it is revealed that classroom has great influence on academic performance of students in secondary school Government.

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