The study examined E-learning resources and students’ academic performance in Government in secondary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Two null hypotheses were formulated to give the study a sense of direction. An experimental design was adopted for the study. Four secondary schools in the area were used for the study.

A sample of one hundred and eighty (180) students were selected using simple random sampling method. Government Achievement Test (GAT) was used as an instrument for data collection. The data collected were subjected to statistical analysis using independent t-test. The results revealed that Government students taught using computer performed significantly better than their counterparts taught using traditional method in the Government Achievement Test.

This was evident in calculated t-value of 12.16 against a critical t-value of 1.98. Equally, there was no gender difference in the academic performance of male and female students in Government taught using computer in Government Achievement Test, as indicated in calculated t-value of 0.27 against a critical t-value of 2.00. Hence, the null hypotheses were rejected and accepted respectively at .05 level of significance. It was then recommended among others that computers and other e-learning resources should be provided in schools by Government for use as this will help to stimulate students’ interest in the lesson and bring about better result in examinations. 



1.1   Background to the Study

In recent times, the world has witnessed a rapid increase in technological innovations. This era ushered in the advent of electronic learning resources. At present, computer technology has permeated nearly all facets of human organizational roles and education (Robertson, 2007). Computer encompasses all facets of human endeavour. So much has been written on it and its relatedness to all areas of human disciplines which include computer and information technology, engineering, agriculture etc.

However, the use of electronic learning resources in schools today is one of the most far reaching and fast growing developments in education. According to Joseph (2009), countries all over the world are bending towards the fact of computer education.

Through advancement in computer programming (that is, a set of instruction code that control the operations of a computer), a new dimension has been brought to play where electronic learning or E-learning resources such as mobile phones, computer, digital photographs, maps, scanned historical documents, animated video demonstrations, electronic books among others are applied to handle and manipulate all sorts of ideas and information in almost all walks of life, ranging from business through various professions and instructors to government (Robertson, 2007).

Oluwolola (2008) noted that the application and use of electronic learning resources in secondary schools can help to improve the quality of teaching and learning through the use of e-teaching and e-learning. The author sees e-learning as a Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) which allows instructions to be delivered to the students directly by allowing the students to interact with the lesson.

Olusola (2006) said that the e-teaching is the automation of an existing teacher centered educational approach. He stressed that e-teaching assists students and the teachers in the teaching process by creating room for e-evaluation as students now register most of their examinations online and check their result online with the aid of Management Information System (MIS).

This unique role of electronic resources in improving the quality of education is unquestionable.  It contributes to the fulfillment of the necessary condition for delivery of quality education, creates new opportunities to students and teachers for gaining access to electronic learning resources and also improves the academic performance of students.

Although, it has been found that electronic learning resources are grossly inadequate in schools for the effective application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to the teaching and learning process. There is no gain say in the fact that if available ones are effectively utilized by both the learners and the teachers, it will not only enhance individualized instruction but will go a long way in improving the teaching and learning process and bring about better academic performance of students at all levels of education.

From the foregone concepts, the researcher wants to examine the influence of electronic learning resources on students’ academic performance in Government in secondary schools and to find out whether there is a positive effect on the academic performance of students when compared to teaching using traditional approach.  

1.2   Statement of the Problem

Over the years, there has been public outcry on the dwindling nature of students’ academic performance in Government in both internal and external school examinations. It is a fact that the poor academic performance of students in the subject has become a recurring feature in our educational system.

Many researchers and educationists attributed the trend to the nonchalant attitude of students towards studies and the laissez-faire attitude of parents towards the educational pursuit of their wards.  Worried by this ugly development, Government, corporate bodies and well-meaning individuals have made concerted efforts to stimulate students’ interest in learning, improve the performance of students and to make sure that the past glory of our educational system returns.

These efforts have been in the areas of providing basic teaching and learning materials, school infrastructural development, recruitment of qualified teachers among others. All these efforts notwithstanding, the input has remained nothing to write home about.

Moreover, most educators and researchers are of the opinion that with the introduction of electronic learning resources to the teaching-learning process in schools, the situation will be overturned and the desired result would be achieved in view of the potential of computers in ensuring individualized instruction while believing that the incidence of students’ failure in examinations will be a thing of the past.

It is against this background that the researcher is motivated to conduct a study on E-learning resources and students’ academic performance in Government in secondary schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. 

1.3   Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to examine the influence of E-learning resources on students’ academic performance in Government in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Examine the academic performance of students in Government taught using computer and those taught using traditional method in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

11     Assess the academic performance of male and female students in Government taught using computer in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

1.4    Significance of the study

This research work will be of great value to the students, teachers, school administrators, Government and researchers in the following ways:

–       The study will help students to appreciate the potentials of the electronic learning resources and be able to utilize the resources (computers) in various aspects of life and later occupation.

–       The study will be of immense value to would be teachers to have a prior knowledge of electronic learning and teaching resources before using it.

–       It will enable the parents to take their initiative in providing their wards with electronic learning resources like computer and mobile phone in order to help them improve their academic performance in Government.

–       To the educational administrators, planners and other educational bodies involved in the training processes, the findings will help them to know the value of electronic learning resources and apply same in the curriculum for effective teaching and learning of Government.

–       Lastly, the study will serve as a source of reference materials to prospective researchers who may wish to undertake a study in this regard.

1.5   Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

  1. What difference exists in the academic performance of students in Government taught using computer and those using traditional method?
  2. What difference exists in the academic performance of male and female students in Government using computer? 

1.6   Research Hypotheses

The understated hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

  1. There is no significant difference in the academic performance of students in Government taught using computer and those taught using traditional methods in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
  2. There is no significant difference in the academic performance of male and female students in Government taught using computer in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubuim Local Government Area.

1.7   Limitations of the Study

The researcher encountered some challenges in the course of the study which threatened the success of the research work. These were in the area of insufficient funds at the disposal of the researcher, time frame for the completion of the research work, inadequate research materials for the review of empirical Literature and researcher’s academic work load.

1.8   Delimitation of the Study

The study was restricted to E-learning resources and students academic performance in Government in Secondary Schools in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Concentration was on senior Secondary two (SS2) Government   Students of public Secondary Schools in the study area. 

1.9   Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study were conceptualized by the researchers as follows:

E-Learning: This is the act of acquiring new knowledge, skills, behaviors and values by electronic means

E-Learning Resources: These are electronic learning resources that are used for teaching and learning in schools. They include computers, mobile phones, projectors, maps, digital photographs, scanned historical documents, electronic books, animated video demonstrations among others. 

Computer: This is an electronic device that is capable of accepting data, processing data through the arithmetic and logical unit, storing the data and giving out the result as output.

Students Academic Performance: This refers to the performance of students on taught lessons as determined by their test or examination scores.

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