
The study was design to investigate teacher’s variables and pupils’ Academic Performance in Public Primary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. The population of the study comprises of all the primary five pupils of Basic Science in all the ten (10) public primary schools in the study area.

Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of one hundred and sixty (160) pupils from five (5) public primary schools in the study area. The design adopted for the study was a survey research design. Two research hypotheses were use for the study. Research questionnaire titled: teachers’ variable Questionnaire (TVQ) and Basic science Achievement Test (BSAT) were the instruments used for data Collection.

Independent t-test was use to analysed the data. The findings of the study reveals that teachers variable significantly influence the academic performance of primary schools pupils in Basic Science in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. Based on the result of the finding; it was recommended that Government should employ teachers with teaching experience, also study leave should be given to teachers to improve their teaching skills and qualifications.




1.1   Background to the Study

The relationship between teachers’ variables and pupils’ academic performance in basic science in public primary schools is a complex and multifaceted topic that has been the subject of extensive research. Teachers’ variables encompass a wide range of factors, including their qualifications, experience, teaching methods, and attitudes towards their students. These variables can have a significant impact on pupils’ academic performance in basic science, which is a crucial subject in the primary school curriculum.

One of the key factors that influence pupils’ academic performance in basic science is the qualifications and expertise of their teachers. Research has consistently shown that teachers with higher levels of education and specialized training in science education are more effective in imparting knowledge and fostering a deeper understanding of scientific concepts among their students. Additionally, teachers’ experience plays a vital role in shaping pupils’ academic performance. Experienced teachers often possess a wealth of pedagogical knowledge and classroom management skills that positively impact pupils’ learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the teaching methods employed by educators can significantly influence pupils’ academic performance in basic science. Effective instructional strategies, such as hands-on experiments, inquiry-based learning, and interactive classroom activities, have been associated with improved academic achievement in science subjects. Conversely, outdated or ineffective teaching methods may hinder pupils’ comprehension and interest in basic science.

In addition to qualifications, experience, and teaching methods, teachers’ attitudes towards their students also play a crucial role in shaping pupils’ academic performance. A supportive and encouraging classroom environment fosters positive learning experiences and enhances pupils’ motivation to excel in basic science. Conversely, negative attitudes or lack of engagement from teachers can detrimentally impact pupils’ academic achievement.


It is important to note that the relationship between teachers’ variables and pupils’ academic performance is influenced by various contextual factors, including school resources, curriculum standards, and socio-economic backgrounds of students. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of this relationship requires a nuanced examination of these interrelated elements.

Changes in the behaviour of the teacher are characterized, by the system of its education whether it is formal or informal. However, the sole input unit in each case is the teacher. They are like curriculum interpreters and so learners take them (teacher) to be their educational mirror.

Okeke (2013) stated that the serene cardinal goals of education are emotional intellection, physical moral aesthetic, vocational and zonal. It is true to mention that the key to the attainment of these goals has been entrusted to the teachers. Never-the less most recent they have been worries about poor academic performance of pupils in various examination giving rise to question such as; does teacher really carried out their duties effectively in school? Is school environment friendly to the learners and teachers?.

This question and others has booted series of research including Banbode (2001) revealed that the school, parents teachers and other factors are responsible for the poor performance Afe (2001) explained that teacher plays a crucial role in educational attainment of pupils. Furthermore, they ultimately responsible for translating educational policies and principle into action based on teaching and learning.

It is therefore, less agreed when Urhefuna (2001) conceptualized effective teacher as one who produce desire results in the course of his duty as a teacher. In the teaching of science subject in the fundamental level of education such as Basic Science teacher need to be familiarwith the necessary science teaching techniques. They need to be scientifically, technically vocationally and otherwise fir in terms of rendering effective teaching of science in the primary level of educations. This is why the emphasis according to natural policy on education (NPE 2004) teachers education will continue to be given a major emphasis in all educational planning, because no education system can rise above the quality of its teachers.

Despite the effort of educational authorities and researchers to ameliorate the poor performance  of pupils in public primary school more question blundering on the poor academic performance are still surfacing hence the researcher is posed to conducting this research to target the following question; does teacher qualifications influence academic performance in public school?

Therefore this study is aimed at investigating teacher variable and science in public primary academic performance in basic science in public primary school in Oruk Anam Local Government Area.

1.2   Statement of the problem

Basic science is the fundamental science subject in the  primary level of education that eventually catapult the learners into becoming  scientifically oriented individual which is avoidance in the area of science and technological development in Nigeria. However pupils in Oruk Anam primary school have fallen short or the societal expectation due to their poor academic performance.

Research has balanced this poor performance on several factors specifically Ajao (2001) emphasized that the quality of education and performance of pupils depend on the teacher as reflected in the discharges of their duties. He claimed that pupils poor performance in both internal and external examinations had been used to determine the effectiveness of teacher and teaching.

 Several factor have contributed to poor academic performance of pupils including teacher effectiveness in school variable teaching method and others. In complementing the search for that factor that is causing the continuous downtrend in pupils academic performance in Basic Science this study is therefore designed to examine teachers variable and pupils academic performance in Basic Science in Public primary school in Oruk Anam Local Government Area.

1.3   Purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study was to examine teachers’ variable and pupils academic performance in Basic Science in Public Primary Schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. Basically, the study sought to:

  1. Examine the difference in the academic performance of pupils in basic science taught by professional teacher and non-professional.
  2. Examine the difference in academic performance of pupils in basic science taught by teacher with teaching experience and those taught by teacher without teaching experience.

1.4   Significance of the study

The finding of this study will be of most beneficial to the following groups; teachers, they will see the need of attending the certain academic level before adopting teaching as a profession.

School administrators; they will see the need of employing qualify and professional teacher into the school system. The society and indeed Nigerian at large will benefit from the result, its recommendations would bring above effective pupils in science that would eventually anchor technological development in the society and the Nigeria at large.

1.5   Research Hypotheses

Basic on the purpose of the study the following hypotheses were adopted to guide the study.

  1. There is no significant difference in the pupils academic performance of pupils in basic science taught by professional teachers and those taught by non-professional teachers in public primary school in Oruk Anam Local Government Area.
  2. There is no significant difference in the pupils academic performance in Basic science taught by teachers with teaching experience and those taught by teachers with no teaching experience.

1.6   Limitation of the Study

The study of this sought would have external beyond Oruk Anam Local Government Area. However the study is limited because of the limited time allocated for the completion of this study.

Also the financial ability of the researcher could not allow for the wider expansion. The scarcity of the research materials in line with the research factor also contributes to limit the scope of the study.

1.7   Delimitation of the Study

The study is delimited to teachers’ variable and pupil’s academic performance in Basic Science Local Government Area.


1.8   Definitions of Term

Conceptually the term used in this study were defined thus;

Teacher Variable:-This is used to describe different categories of teacher that are capable of affecting the academic performance of pupils

Basic Science:- Is a foundational or a fundamental science subject taught in primary school.

Professional: These are teacher who have gain experiences in the teaching profession in this case, it falls into professional and non-professional.

Experience: This refers to the foreknowledge acquire by one person in his profession

Academic Performance:- This is the level of knowledge attained or skill developed in the school subject. It is a measurable ability of pupils in examinations, test or assignment grades obtained by the pupils in continuous assessment records.



This chapter presents a summary of the work, its implication to the child academic performance, recommendation and conclusion.

5.1   Summary

The main focus of this study was to examine the teachers variable and pupils academic performance in basic science in public school in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. Two research hypotheses were formulated for the study and was tested at 0.05 level of significant. The study was analyzed using independent t-test analysis. The findings of the study reveal that teachers variable has a significant influence on pupils academic performance. These findings were correlated with other studies on the same variable.

 5.2   Recommendations

Based the findings of the study, the following recommendation were made:

  1. Government should employ teachers with teaching experience.
  2. Seminars and workshops should be conducted to newly recruited teachers on the need to improve their experiences in teaching.
  3. Teaching materials/aids should be made available in school to help teachers discharge their duties effectively.
  4. Study leave should be given to teachers in order to improve their skills and qualifications.
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